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Items of Work

  1. Administration, control and management of Military Lands, including:-
    • Resumption of Lands for Defence Services.
    • Disposal of surplus Defence Lands. 
  2. Land Policy and Rules/Regulations etc. applicable to the three Services.
  3. Acquisition of Lands for Defence purposes under Land Acquisition Act, 1894.
  4. Laying down of Policy & Procedure for disposal of Lands declared surplus to Defence requirements.
  5. Urban Ceiling Law and its implementation in Cantonment area.
  6. Requisitioning and acquisition of properties for Defence Services under the Defence of India Act, 1962 and rules made thereunder.
  7. Hiring/De-hiring/Requisition/De-Requisition of Lands and payment of compensation to land owners.
  8. It also deals with the following Acts/Rules:
  9. (a) Cantonment Land Administration Rules, 1937 (CLA Rules);
    (b) Acquisition, Custody and Relinquishment Rules, 1944;
    (c) Works of Defence Act, 1903;
    (d) Issues regarding Revision of Land Norms.
    (e) Military Land Manual.
    (f) Withdrawal of Delegation of Powers to classify A-2 and B-4 Lands to  ‘A-1’.

  10. Allotment/ Transfer of Defence Land, leasing out of defence land.
  11. Conversion of Leasehold/old grant bungalows into freehold in civil areas of cantonment.
  12. Re-classification of Defence Land.
  13. Transfer/ Management of Defence Land within the Defence Organisation.
  14. Grant of permission for holding political, religious, social & other functions.
  15. Renewal of leases.
  16. Grant of permission for short terms renewable licenses in favour of Central/State Government Organisations, Local bodies, public utilities & PSUs.
  17. Decision on title dispute arising out of old grant sites.
  18. Title dispute on Defence land with private individuals, State Government.
  19. Allotment of alternative land to resumptee owners.
  20. Proposal for cutting of green trees on Defence Land.

Note:  In all cases mentioned above, D(Lands) is concerned with policy and general questions and individual cases pertaining only to Army.  All other cases pertaining to Navy, Air Force, Defence Production are dealt with by the Administrative Sections concerned with these Services/Departments.