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Establishment - II/General I

Defence (Establishment.2/General.I)

D(Estt.2/Gen.I) Section deals with officers and employees of the Ministry of Defence (Secretariat) (excluding Finance Division) relating to the following items:- Payment of contingencies of RM/RRM/RURM, telephones/teleprinters/fax machines-all matters; Staff car, motorcycles and offices-all matters; Administrative except disciplinary matters of MTS; residential accommodation of all officers (Gazetted/non-Gazetted); typewriters, duplicators, franking machines, calculators-all matters; Liveries etc; supply of books, publications and newspapers to officers and ministers; reimbursement of Newspaper bills to all Gazetted officers; fire-fighting arrangements; budget matters on office expenses/ pay & allowances/TA/DA/etc; requirements of House Building Advance from Ministry of Finance and its allocation to different Organizations/ Subordinate Offices; deployment of Daily Wagers and preparing bills for daily wagers of Ministry of Defence (Secretariat) for payment; sanction of HBA, GPF, Festival/Motor Car /Scooter/Computer/Fan/Cycle Advances etc. to the Gazetted/non-Gazetted employees; cleanliness arrangements in MOD.