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Acquisition Wing (Maritime & Systems)


Acquisition Wing (Maritime & Systems) is headed by a Joint Secretary & Acquisition Manager (Maritime & Systems) and is responsible for Capital Head Procurement of defence equipment/platforms for ‘Indian Navy’, ‘Indian Coast Guard’ and Capital Head procurement of Systems for the Tri-Services. 


The Defence Procurement Procedure/Defence Acquisition Procedure (DAP-2020), as amended from time to time, which lays down guidelines and detailed procedure for the aforesaid capital procurement is scrupulously followed to promote ‘Atma Nirbharata’ of the country in the defence sector and implement ‘Ease of Doing Business’ with emphasis on Simplification, Delegation, Reduced Timelines and making the process as Industry friendly as possible.     


Briefly, the functions of Joint Secretary and Acquisition Manager (M&S) are to receive commercial quotes, to chair and conduct the Contract Negotiation Committee (CNC) meetings, to obtain reasonable cost estimates from users / production agencies / DRDO, to process and obtain approval of the competent financial authority on the recommendations of CNC, to sign contract with the Vendors after obtaining the requisite approvals and subsequently deal with post contract management issues.  In addition to the above capital acquisition cases, the routine tasks of Joint Secretary and Acquisition Manager(M&S) include to examine SoC proposal for grant of AoN by DPB/DAC, to conduct collegiate vetting of RFPs and giving replies to Audit Paras, Parliamentary Questions, Standing Committees of Parliament etc.


Two Directors/Deputy Secretaries and one Planning Officer (Systems) assist the Joint Secretary and Acquisition Manager(M&S) in processing the above capital procurement cases and other routine matters.